rust in the new age

With the end of a year comes a new call for reflection, and a new chance to orient ourselves for the coming year. As with previous years, the Rust Teams have called for a new set of roadmap posts to help guide the teams’ priorities in 2019. I’ve been doing a little prepwork myself, and have a few ideas for where to take my own work. Consider this less of a request for the organization as a whole, and more of a preview for what i’m considering for focusing the Rustdoc Team on.


Before i get into dreaming about the future, i’d like to state a little bit about where i’m coming from. Pretty much all my Rust writing nowadays is on either rustdoc or on I’ve largely stepped back from any other Rust code i’ve done, just out of the interest of focusing my time and energy onto something where i can more easily get rolling. However, both of these projects are so well-established that it’s really easy to get absorbed in their own little world and ignore what’s going on elsewhere! It’s fun to take a step back during events like this and see how other people are interacting with Rust.

That’s all to say that anything i’m writing here is from the perspective of “documentation tools managed by the Rustdoc Team” (namely, rustdoc and Organizationally speaking, i want to start focusing our efforts to make Rustdoc the best documentation system for any language, and possibly the best means to navigate Rust source short of your favorite text editor and flawless RLS integration. I feel like we’ve already got a good position, but there’s always room to improve, and there are always more places to draw inspiration from.

That said, let’s dive in!

finish what we started

Of all the features that rustdoc has that still require Nightly, there are a few i would call “major” features. I would love to be able to push these to stabilization this year:

In effect, the theme here is “elbow grease”. These features just need some dedicated time to investigate and iron out any last wrinkles before we send them out the door.

a map in a labyrinth

One long-neglected long-standing feature in rustdoc is the source-code view. It’s a powerful feature to be able to click a link from nearly anything in the docs and see just how it was implemented. However, up until recently, the source-code pages were a bit of a dead-end. Sure, you could look at the implementation of a thing, but you couldn’t look around at any other file in the source! This was especially painful in a place like the standard library, where the true implementation of something could be squirreled away in a different module, due to how the platform-specific implementations are set up.

Let’s take a step back for a minute. Before i came to Rust, i had a strong background in the .NET world (specifically Visual Basic .NET, but that’s less relevant here). One really cool thing that .NET has is the Reference Source browser, which is an interactive viewer of a subset of the .NET Framework. This is a really powerful resource, both for investigating how bits of the .NET Framework operate, but also for how it lets you view the source: Types can be clicked to navigate to their definition, functions can be queried to see where they’re called, items can be searched for by name. It’s as if you have a powerful IDE just to browse this code!

Can we take this and apply it to the Rust world? It turns out, there’s already a project that tries to do this! Enter cargo-src. This is a project to take the same information the RLS uses to power its IDE integration, and use it to render a powerful source-code browser instead. As a proof of concept, it’s beautiful. It lets you do anything you can do in an IDE - jump to definition, find all references, find type or trait impls, and all sorts of goodies.

So i’m naturally led to the question: Can we introduce this to rustdoc, or have some work on it to make it an official component as a source browser? cargo-src is currently server-based - it starts a web server to serve its pages and operate its search functionality. This runs counter to how rustdoc currently works, which is as more of a static-site generator, with any server needing to be separately laid on top. However, rustdoc currently has at least as much information as the RLS does, so if we can find a way to adapt our information into something that can use, we may be able to make it work.


One more area i would love to see work on deals with one of the core elements of rustdoc. As i mentioned, rustdoc is a kind of static-site generator: You feed it input in the form of your crate, and it spits out a bunch of HTML files based on that input. This model has some great advantages - mainly, that you don’t need to start or operate a special server to host Rust documentation. The ability to use file:// URLs for local docs, or to store docs in a plain file hosting service like Amazon S3, allows for docs to be hosted and used without much overhead.

However, there are also drawbacks to this approach. Any dynamic content needs to be written as JavaScript and distributed alongside the docs. Rustdoc’s design of giving each item its own URL means that each item needs its own page. If a crate happens to have a lot of items (say it’s a particularly big crate or hosts a lot of bindings like winapi), now we’re creating a whole lot of files! (Combined with additional “redirect pages” to support old-style URLs, now we’re creating two files for each item!) In addition, the fact that the HTML is rustdoc’s only output format means that it can’t easily integrate into broader documentation systems like Kapeli’s Dash or systems that use its package format.

Is there a way to deal with these downsides without also discarding the “static-site generator” model that gives us these strengths? I can think of two parallel approaches that can help this: Restoring rustdoc’s JSON output, and adding support for a system that can read files from an archive format. The former is easy enough to fathom - way back in the early days, rustdoc used to be able to output JSON that corresponded to its model of crate information. This has been taken out, but it’s possible to leverage the save-analysis data that the RLS uses to bring it back. I wrote a thread about this idea on the Interals forum recently.

JSON output would help integrating rustdoc with other frontends, by providing a means to create a machine-readable format that can be converted to whatever system is desired. But that’s a little abstract, and doesn’t provide an immediate solution for the “file explosion” problem. There’s a recent project by @killercup that aims to solve exactly this problem: static-filez.

This is an experiment to create a web server that loads pre-compressed files from an archive, and serves them without having to unpack and recompress them. With a formalized archive format (it currently uses a custom archive/index format that it packs itself), rustdoc could natively output one of these archives, so instead of creating thousands of files, it would now create two. Combined with a potential new Cargo command to load up this archive with the static-filez server, a user wouldn’t see the difference! I’m hoping this combination would create a huge speedup on systems where creating mass numbers of files is a performance bottleneck.


So far, this post has been focused on “upstream rustdoc”, but i’d also like to give a mention. has made some great strides this year! Until recently, was primarily maintained and operated by one person, and had accumulated plenty of technical debt that had kept it from keeping up with the Rust community. However, this year we were able to give it the work it needed to reach its full potential. It can only go up from here! Without going into much detail (i kinda want to make a breakdown of its own post), there’s more technical debt to tackle, and we’re working to properly move the server to something that’s officially managed by the Rust Project, instead of run by one person.

some witty heading about wrapping things up

So that’s what’s on my mind. Consider this a preview of the Rustdoc Team’s personal roadmap, as the Core Team works to assemble everyone’s input into next year’s project-wide roadmap. I’m hopeful that in the coming year, we can take the work we’ve put into 2018 and use it as a jumping-off point to greater heights. We’ve got the Edition release set up, with other banner features waiting in the wings. Let’s take this moment to sketch out something special.